Our precious volunteer Levi, taught young ones the lost art of masonry, giving them a trade for their future. You may have a skill to teach: sewing, crochet, reading, writing, welding, cooking, woodworking and more. Angels encourages people to teach.
Carolyn helping Angles fly.
Who said “let there be light?”
Do you know what 13 teens can do? Be angels! Meet people from different areas, lifestyles, work, and share a lot of joy with others. It’s fun – fun – and contagious.
Chaplains serve as porters to carry gifts to cars and homes.
Dave and Jan, contractor and nurse, loving and serving others.
Broaden your world with a family from another country.
Sisters loving serving.
Sweet Sara, toy specialist.
Doctor Hala, full of grace.
Football players coming together to create a seniors dream.
Learning to give and seeing grandpa is awesome.
Security is my specialty! Peekaboo!